Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday Timeout - Week 3

Weigh In: 312.5
Starting weight: 360lbs, Week 2 weight: 310lbs. Total loss: 48.5lbs, Weekly loss: -2.5lbs.
I'm disappointed but realize this number could be worse. My diet was a wreck, and I indulged almost every day. Going up 2.5lbs hurts, but it's better than 5lbs.

Non Scale Victories:
I drank wine! With a friend! While watching a movie! At her house! Yeahp, definitely a victory for me. I'm not much of a social person, and tend to bail out on plans that include other people. Plus I wasn't sure how I would tolerate alcohol on my new medications. One glass seemed to be perfect and I enjoyed the movie and her company.

For the most part last week sucked. I didn't get enough sleep, didn't eat or drink well, and didn't work out like I wanted to. Working 7 days out of 8 was a bad idea, and I ended up missing meds and sleeping too much. I did make some important choices, and look forward to seeing them payout through the rest of the year. 

My garden took off and I've harvested all my spinach (which is already regrowing) and a good part of my collard greens. The hot peppers in the green house suffered though, and I'm not sure they are going to make it. I also lost two gold fish, which means the one left is lonely. I'll have to deal with that this weekend.

Goal Recap:
No carbonated beverages. - About 75% successful, I had two sodas... both at the end of my long week.
Work out 3 times by Tuesday. - Failed. I only worked out once.
Stay sane. - Not sure how, but I managed this one.
No fast food. - 100% success!

Week 4 Goals:
Work out 3 times.
No carbonated beverages.
Don't miss any meds.
No junk food.

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